Let’s Talk Glossary: A List Of Terms That Apply To Something Newspaper-ish

I find it necessary to address a list of terms given to me by my teacher, the infamous Brain Eriksen! Along with the informative part of the information, I will also place a bold X next to all the terms which I feel I would have trouble with on a quiz (But who cares? I do, but I am just the most-important person on this blog, not like that is anything special).

Ad or advertisement – a message printed in a space paid for by either an individual or a business attempting to sell its goods or services. Ads aim to catch the readers’ attention and urge them to act on the advertiser’s message. Ads may be either classified or display. Classified or want ads are paid for by word or line count, and carry their message in small print. Display ads are sold by the column-inch and use a larger area of the newspaper page, along with illustrations and large type.

X. Attribution – identification of the source of information.

Banner – a headline which stretches across the entire width of a page.

X. Beat – the news area for which a reporter is responsible, such as police, courts or local government.

Body – the main part of a news story, after the headline and lead.

X. Body type – the type size used in a story, rather than in a headline. Most news is printed in 9-point type. Normal headline type can be as large as 72-point.

Bold face – dark or heavy type.

X. By-line – the name of the writer, as it appears between the headline and lead of the story.

Caption – the information which accompanies a photo or illustration. It is sometimes called a cutline.

Circulation – the number of copies a newspaper sells.

X. Column – a series of articles, written by the same person and appearing on a regular basis.

X. Credit line – identification of the source of a story or photo, such as AP Laserphotos.

Deadline – the cut-off time beyond which news cannot be accepted for an edition.

X. Dummy – the diagram used for page layout.

Edit – to correct or improve copy in preparation for publication.

Editor – the person responsible for the news, editorials and general comment of the newspaper. There are also copy editors, who revise and prepare copy for publication, and news, sports, lifestyles, and entertainment editors, who direct the operation of those sections of the newspaper.

X. Editorial – an article which exists for the expression of opinion. The opinions expressed may be those of the newspaper’s editorial board, or those of a syndicated editorial columnist. Most editorials appear on the editorial page. When they appear elsewhere in the newspaper, they are labelled as opinion.

X. Feature – a story written primarily to entertain the reader or to rouse some emotion.

Five Ws and H – the questions which all news stories should answer: who, what, when, where, why and how.

X. Follow-up – a story which deals with the same topic as a previous story, but which updates and adds further details.

X. Fourth estate – an 18th century term for the press. The other three “estates” in England, all represented in Parliament, were the nobles, clergy and commons.

Headline – the title of a story. It is usually printed in large type.

X. Inverted pyramid – the style of writing used in news stories. The lead contains the most important facts in the story, with other details arranged in order of descending importance.

X. Index – a front-page guide to assist readers in locating the most popular features inside the paper.

X. Jump – to carry a story over from one page to another.

Justify – to arrange letters in columns in such a way that right and left margins are even.

Lead – the introductory sentences of a news story. It should include the story’s most important details.

X. Libel – any words, pictures or cartoons which, without just cause or excuse, expose someone to public disgrace or ill opinion.

Logo – a symbol or trademark used for recognition of a company or business.

X. Masthead – the announcement, printed in each issue of the newspaper, of its title, ownership and management.

Media – mass communication, such as newspapers, radio, television and magazines.

X. Newsprint – the soft, rough-finish wood pulp paper on which newspapers are printed.

Obituary – the written report of a death, usually printed in a brief biographical form.

X. Press release – a story for publication submitted to the newspaper by a business or institution.

Series – more than one story written about the same topic. The stories are planned in advance and are connected by an underlying theme. They are usually printed on consecutive days.

Source – the person, document or institution providing information needed for news.

X. Syndicate – an organisation which provides stories, comics, editorials, columns and special items for its subscribers.

X. Wire services – news services which provide stories and photos to their members or subscribers.  Some major wire services are Associated Press, Reuters, Southam News and The Canadian Press.


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